Laut einem aktuellen Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung sollen Fragen und Anträge auch während digitalern Hauptversammlungen zugelassen werden. Aktionärsschützer stimmen dem zu; Unternehmen fürchten eine Klagewelle. FOM-Software schafft Rechtssicherheit!
Organizational measures such as Focus Fridays alleviate the symptoms of an inefficient meeting culture, but they do not eliminate the root causes. FOM software, on the other hand, gets to the root of the problem.
Stakeholder management can be complex - but it can also be simple. How? With the right tool. FOM software standardizes dialog processes and approval procedures.
Good goals need a good plan! With FOM tools, CSR meetings can be better organized.
"CSR" stands for "Corporate Social Responsibility", i.e. socially responsible business.